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Monday, December 15, 2008

We're Up and Running!

Just a brief entry today: We finished moving all of our equipment across the street over the weekend, and we're now running classes at our new location:

95 Everett Street
Allston, MA 02134

Also, note our new phone number:


Sure, there's still lots of setting up and decorating to do — it will take us some time to get settled in — but, we're operational.

Please drop by and take a look around!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

December 1 Has Come and Gone

December 1 has come and gone, and we're not "quite" moved in yet. There have been some small delays here and there, but we're making progress, and things are falling into place. Equipment and furnitire shipments are arriving daily. We still need to go through all the inspections to get a certificate of occupancy — thanks for being so patient!

Here are some updated photos: