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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Youth Karate Program at Emerald Necklace Martial Arts

This fall, Boston's Emerald Necklace Martial Arts will be launching a Youth Karate Program for boys and girls ages 9-13. In addition to physical instruction in traditional karate, this character-based martial arts program will emphasize the development of interpersonal leadership skills by focusing on the core values and principles that Sensei Jason Gould collectively calls "the Black Belt Traits."

To make progress toward earning a Black Belt at the dojo (karate school), students will need to learn and refine their self-defense and martial arts skills, complete short reading and writing assignments or other small projects, and participate in various community service activities.

"Of course I want our students to be good at the physical aspects of karate," says Sensei Jason Gould, Director and Chief Instructor at Emerald Necklace Martial Arts. "But I really want to offer a comprehensive martial arts education that requires participants to think critically, to lead mindfully, and to serve others. Beyond mastering self-defense and kicking and punching, I truly want my students to become confident Black Belts in life."

The new Youth program will compliment the other martial arts programs at Emerald Necklace Martial Arts: the "Little Dragons" program currently serves children ages 4-8, and the Adult karate program is for young adults (youth ages 14-17) and men and women of all ages.

Initially limited to 20 participants, the Youth program will begin in September 2010, running on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00 PM. Free trial classes and enrollment conferences will be held 6:00-7:00 PM on the following dates: September 1, 6, 8, 13, and 15.

Please contact Sensei Jason Gould by email or by phone (617-230-1973) for more information about the Youth program, or to reserve a spot in one of the trial classes.

More information about Emerald Necklace Martial Arts can be found at

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